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IQ Blog

Strain Gage Design Under Eccentric Load WRSGC Presentation

Interface Product Design Engineer Ashlesa Mohapatra presented a technical paper at WRSGC detailing why strain gage design can make all the difference in quality versus poor performance with load cells demonstrated by testing research with our LBSU product.

IQ Blog

Load Cell Basics Webinar Recap

Interface applications and load cell expert Keith Skidmore was the featured presenter at the latest ForceLeaders Forum hosted event, Load Cell Basics. In his comprehensive presentation, he highlights key subjects including fundamentals of load cell design, sensor specifications, use cases, troubleshooting and valuable performance related topics.

IQ Blog

Load Cell Sensitivity 101

Interface defines load cell sensitivity in our Load Cell 101 Series. Load cell sensitivity refers to the relationship between the input force applied to a load cell and the output signal it generates. Learn more about sensitivity and the relationship to load cell accuracy.

IQ Blog

Specifying Accuracy Requirements When Selecting Load Cells

Interface load cells have detailed specification datasheets that outline accuracy and performance factors by model and capacity including nonlinearity, hysteresis, nonrepeatability, static error band and more.