Airbag Connector Testing
Testing airbag connectors functionality is needed to ensure perfect deployment in case of a car crash.
Testing airbag connectors functionality is needed to ensure perfect deployment in case of a car crash. There are eight to twelve connectors installed in each vehicle, and tests are needed to be made in order to clarify the connectors are working effectively. These connectors usually work when latched, but that does not ensure the electrical properties are working. The amount of force needs to be tested in order to see when an electrical current is connected.
Interface’s solution is to attach the WMC Sealed Stainless Steel Miniature Load Cell to the actuator of the test rig. The airbag connector is held in place at the bottom of the test rig. Forces are applied and measured using the 9330 High Speed Data Logger as the connector is pushed down to latch together. Results can be logged, downloaded, and reviewed when connected to a PC or laptop.
The customer was able to measure the amount of force it took to latch the airbag connector, in order to detect the electrical current and proceed with more testing.