Practical Engineering Tips to Design In Sensors

The fusion of design and sensor technology has unlocked a new era of innovation, enabling parts, products, machines, and entire systems to respond to their environment dynamically. Product design engineers can create intelligent solutions that adapt, optimize, and safeguard operations by integrating devices like load cells, torque transducers, and multi-axis sensors into products and components.

With their ability to measure force and weight, load cells have become integral components in applications such as industrial equipment, robotics, and medical devices. Their precise readings allow machines to adjust to their environment and movements, optimize performance, and ensure safety by preventing overload conditions.

Torque transducers are designed into machines, products, and parts to monitor rotational force, making them indispensable in testing systems, automotive applications, and manufacturing equipment. Their integration enables precise control, improved efficiency, and early detection of potential failures.

Our multi-axis sensors are revolutionizing measurement precision in many industries. By incorporating these sensors into their designs, engineers can adapt use cases with sensors designed to measure weight, force levels, movements, demands, and user experiences.

Interface is the leading partner in measurement solutions. You can trust us to design our standard and custom sensor technologies for your applications. We are experts in engineering Interface products for integration into machines, products, and equipment for precision measurements. Learn more: Making Products Smarter with Interface OEM Solutions.

Whether the equipment is a life-saving medical monitor, energy production machine, satellite monitoring device, or farming crop management tool, when precision matters, we are a partner of choice when designing sensors. Check out Building Synergy to Accurately Measure OEM Products and Components.

Ready to engage with Interface for design in solutions? The first step we want to explore is what you are trying to solve and why you need a measurement sensor in your design. Here are 10 helpful questions to guide you in the discovery and solution definition stage.

10 Questions to Get Started Design In Sensor Technologies

1. What are the exact use requirements, and is it for a new product, a part, or an upgrade to an existing product?
2. What do you want to measure: compression, tension, torque, multiple axes, or weight?
3. What capacities do you need to measure, range and potential loading conditions?
4. What are your requirements for accuracy in product specifications?
5. What are the envelope and mechanical integration conditions, and how much room do you have to design in the sensor?
6. What is the environment, and will it be exposed to high or low temperatures, fluids, or other environmental settings?
7. What is the frequency of measurement?
8. What is the expected lifecycle for the sensor?
9. What signal or connectivity is needed, and how will the sensor communicate the output?
10. What is the price point and volume required for this integration?

Phases for Designing in Sensors

#1 Design Phase
The journey to embed sensor technologies into your products begins with collaboration. Our engineers will work closely with you to understand your needs, offering expertise and support. Interface offers design files for all our standard proects, available under the products on our website. If you need a custom solution, we’ll create comprehensive sensor design drawings, addressing crucial factors such as sensor type, material selection, and configuration. We’ll also develop prototypes of early designs and provide pricing estimates based on your production scale and timeline.

#2 Test Phase
The second phase of designing a sensor into your prototype is to conduct thorough testing protocols to ensure optimal performance and producibility. This analysis will validate material, configuration, and capacity and determine packaging requirements based on your application’s unique demands. Rigorous testing and simulations refine the sensor’s specifications to achieve peak performance. This phase will define your exact specifications for the sensor.

#3 Build Phase
Once the prototypes are approved, we will collaborate to define your production schedule. Our skilled team will meticulously orchestrate every build process step, adhering to strict quality and precision standards. We’ll establish schedules and craft detailed build instructions to ensure seamless production according to your requirements.

#4 Supply Phase
As your supply chain partner, we are driven to manage production, stock, and delivery seamlessly. Our team will collaborate with you on inventory management, forecasting, and communication channels, ensuring that your parts are delivered on time and to your specifications.

With five decades of supplying large volumes of sensors for critical components, equipment, and products, Interface understands the support requirements when designing sensors. Partnering with us means accessing a comprehensive range of products, services, and design capabilities tailored to your needs.

Whether you require sensor technology components, sensors for measuring force, weight, or torque, or assistance with test and measurement processes, we’ve got you covered. We prioritize safety, precision, and performance, ensuring that our solutions meet the highest industry standards.

Learn more about the process, products, and application examples in your Embedding Sensors in Products Webinar Recap. Get a copy of our OEM Solutions brochure to learn more. Contact our specialized OEM Solutions Team today to get started by letting us know how we can partner with you for Interface design in solutions.

Additional Resources

Turning an Active Component into a Sensor
Making Products Smarter with Interface OEM Solutions
OEM Chemical Reaction-Mixing App Note
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