3 search results for:

IQ Blog

Evolving Urban Mobility Sector for Test and Measurement

In the urban mobility sector, Interface load cells and torque transducers are used to test and measure balance and weight distribution, thrust and lift, and to optimize movement on robotics.

IQ Blog

Interface Supports Wind Tunnel Testing

Interface is a supplier of measurement solutions used for aircraft and wind tunnel testing. Wind tunnel systems are used to gather data across a variety of tests related to the aerodynamics of a vehicle’s design. Whether an object is stationary or mobile, wind tunnels provide insight into the effects of air as it moves over or around the test model. Beyond airplanes and flying vehicles, wind tunnels are also used for testing automobiles, bicycles, drones and rockets.

IQ Blog

Examining Interface Aerospace Industry Solutions

Interface load cells, torque transducers and instrumentation are commonly used in the aerospace industry for engineering and testing aircraft, rockets, commercial airliners, space vehicles, aviation components, structures, materials and more.