Entertainment LED Screens
A customer constructing a huge venue wants to weigh their very large LED screens. They want to measure the force of the structure that is supporting the screens, to ensure stability and structural integrity.
A customer constructing a huge venue wants to weigh their very large LED screens. They want to measure the force of the structure that is supporting the screens, to ensure stability and structural integrity.
Interface suggests their LW General Purpose Load Washer Load Cells being assembled within rods that are part of the support structure. The LED screen hangs off the structure, which connects to the rods. The compression forces applied to the rod will be measured by the LW’s installed in between. The load washers are paired with WTS-AM-1E Wireless Strain Bridge Transmitter Modules, where the force results are wirelessly transmitted to both the WTS-BS-1 Wireless Handheld Display for Unlimited Transmitters and the WTS-BS-4 Wireless Base Stations with included Log100 software.
Interface’s wireless load washer system successfully weighed the forces of the large LED screen for the customer’s new venue.