New Technical White Paper Analyzes SuperSC S-Type Miniature Load Cells

Interface recently introduced a revolutionary new miniature load cell, the SuperSC. The extremely compact design makes it an ideal all-purpose load cell with high accuracy measurement in an exceedingly small form factor.

The SuperSC (SSC) models are part of the Interface product line of shear s-cells. They are specifically designed as environmentally sealed and insensitive to off axis loading. This product is available in capacities ranging from 25 to 1000 lbf (100 N to 5 kN). The new SuperSC force transducer easily fits requirements for a high accuracy sensor that can be designed into components, equipment, and end products.

In our new technical white paper, Eccentric Loading Analysis for SuperSC S-Type Miniature Load Cell, Interface’s Raymunn Machado-Prisbrey, Design Engineer for OEM Solutions, provides an extensive review of the performance and capabilities of the new SuperSC.

The paper details FEA analysis performed on spring elements of equivalent capacity, in this case 250 lbs. Two eccentric load scenarios were considered: a full scale axially applied load with three degrees of misalignment and a full scale load applied to the edge of the element loading surface. Results of this analysis are available in the new white paper, available for download here.

Additionally, the new technical review highlights SuperSC data, misalignment analysis and edge loading, providing results and images of each test.

The Eccentric Loading Analysis for SuperSC S-Type Miniature Load Cell conclusion sums it up clearly. The Interface SuperSC S-Type Load Cell outperforms traditional s-type bending cells in output consistency and safety factor stability when loaded at three degrees of axial misalignment.

The SuperSC has a higher output change under edge loading conditions than the s-type design; however, linearity is much better and safety factor remains acceptable. S-bending cells are not capable of withstanding this level of edge loading from a mechanical standpoint.

You can also watch the recorded online seminar below to get the inside scoop on this revolutionary new product.


Interface Introduces SuperSC S-Type Miniature Load Cell

Superior S-Types Webinar Recap and New SuperSC

 S-Type Load Cells 101

Interface OEM Solutions Process